Clients of Khardah Prayas Centre
We are very happy for all our successfull clients
Our gratitude to all those ex- clients who started their journey of recovery from Khardah Prayas Centre . Though Addiction/ Alcoholism is a disease, but these very words have become a stigma to our society. So, many of our ex- clients and their families have requested us not to disclose their identity as that can be detrimental for them. We respect their decision. People who gave us consent have been mentioned in this short list. Please note that till 31st December 2023 more than 8557 people have managed to stay clean from all kind of drugs, after completing their therapy in Khardah Prayas Centre. Hence, the members of “Khardah Prayas Centre Family” are huge in number, who by being in recovery has made us one of the most successful rehab in Kolkata.

What we offer
We heal with the latest innovations in Science.
Treatment Facility
Management of chemical dependency is a complex issue which has to be handled by professionals specialized in various discipline...
Addiction & Recovery
Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits...
Cleint List
Our gratitude to all those ex- clients who started their journey of recovery from Prayas Centre. Though Addiction/ Alcoholism is a disease...
Feedbacks from clients
What our clients say